We are relatively young and enthusiastic group with extensive experience in strongly correlated electronic systems, layered materials and complex metallic alloys, with extensive domestic and international collaborations.
New postdoc joined our group
10.03.2023.Dr. Wojciech Sas joined our group on March 1 as a postdoctoral researcher working on the HRZZ project “Intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides“. |
Highlights from Kraków – Zagreb Condensed Matter Workshop 2023
24.02.2023.Members of our group participated in the Kraków-Zagreb Condensed Matter Workshop, which was organized by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) and AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland on February 15th-16th, 2023.
Highlights from the ECMetAC Days 2022
01.12.2022.Our group members and colleagues from partner institutions presented their recent research in form of seven oral and seven poster contributions at the annual meeting ECMetAC-Days2022 held in Split from November 21 to 24, 2022.
We are hiring – postdoctoral researcher
25.11.2022.We are looking for highly motivated and competent Post-Doc (postdoctoral researcher) in experimental solid-state Physics.