Group members at ECMetAC Days 2021
Our recent work presented in three contributions at the annual meeting ECMetAC-Days2021.
Our group members attended the annual meeting (ECMetAC-Days2021) of the European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metal Alloys and Compounds (ECMetAC) held online from 6 to 9 December 2021. Two oral and one poster contributions were presented.
Oral presentations:
“Interaction of magnetic and electronic subsystems in Co intercalated 2H-NbS2 seen by different probes”, by P. Popčević, W. Tabis, J.J. Kolodziej, H. Berger, I. Batistić, N. Barišić, L. Forró and E. Tutiš,
“Structural investigation of super-ionic Cu2-xSe” by M. Sorić, C. M. N. Kumar, N. Barišić, Ž. Skoko, P. Gille, P. Popčević
Opster presentation:
“Physical and structural properties of Cu2-xSe across” by M. Zorić, C. M. N. Kumar, P. Gille, A. Bilušić, A. Smontara, P. Popčević.